Who we are

Our Vision
We strive to be an effective family of disciples, characterized by our love for God and our love for each other, in our community, our campus, and our city.  

Our Mission
To empower college-age students to obey God by growing in their knowledge of Jesus Christ, their love for God's people, and a heart for lost around the world.  

Our Core Values
As faithful followers of Jesus we are called to humble ourselves the way Jesus did by putting our pride aside so that we can accept God's grace and extend His grace to all by putting the needs and concerns of others ahead of our own.  In doing this we demonstrate true love.  

Every person exerts influence over the people around them, therefore everyone influences or leads people in their own way.  The choice we make as followers of Christ is to use our influence to lead people to Jesus.  

Every person has been blessed with time, resources, and relationships.  Each of these things are gifts that God has entrusted to us for a set time, therefore in the areas of time, resources and relationships we seek to use these God given gifts to advance the gospel bringing glory to God.

As amassadors of Christ we recognize that our behaviors affect the way people perceive us and Jesus Christ whom we represent.  Therefore we seek to always maintain a clear conscience before God and men doing the right thing no matter what the cost.

Life is an ongoing process and we are committed to growing and maturing spiritually as we develop an ever deepening intimacy with Jesus.  

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